Ceramic Bead Artists Tutorial by Golem Design Studio
Ceramic Bead Artists Tutorial by Golem Design Studio -- Making Ceramic Beads

Making Ceramic Beads

By Golem Design Studio

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Making Ceramic Beads

Make an even coil by rolling the clay on a smooth flat surface.  Cut the coil into equal pieces.  Roll each piece into an smooth even ball.  Set the balls aside to firm up for a few minutes.
Insert a pointed tool of the desired hole size into the center of the ball until it just begins to poke out on the other side.  Push gently.  Twisting slightly can help if you experience difficulties in getting the tool to go into the ball
Remove the tool from the ball and turn the ball around. Line up the tool on the small hole where it began to come out and re-insert the tool to finish the hole. Twisting gently may help to form a clean hole without deforming the bead shape. Remove bead from tool and set aside to dry. When dry fire to suggested temperature for the clay you are using.